Implementation of InChI for chemically modified large biomolecules Description The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) algorithm is now well established as a powerful means of denoting the basic chemical structure of a well-defined, small (< 1024 atoms) organic molecule as a unique machine-readable character string, suitable for electronic data storage, […]
InChI Tag: Large Molecules
3 posts
Progress towards “Large Molecule” support with InChI Evan Bolton,Ph.D. NCI NIH Virtual Workshop on InChI 2021-03-22 Direct Link (Alows you to activate “Full Screen mode” and open as a single slide show)
Implementation of InChI for chemically modified large biomolecules IUPAC Project 2013-010-1-800 Project chair: Evan Bolton & Keith T. Taylor Objective: To establish requirements and guidelines for the generation of a unique name for biological sequences including chemically modified. The intended outcome is the world-wide adoption of the a standard with […]