WorldFAIR Chemistry – 2. Training Cookbook: Digital recipes for managing chemical data

WorldFAIR Chemistry – 2. Training Cookbook: Digital recipes for managing chemical data

This project corresponds to Deliverable 3.2 of the WorldFAIR Chemistry project. The main scope of work will be to develop actionable recipes in the format of a digital Cookbook for how to prepare and deposit FAIR machine-enabled chemical data, identify and extract chemically relevant metadata, and compile and validate chemical data files using online tools. The Cookbook will be an open, collaborative, community focused resource based on a broadly accessible online dynamic platform (e.g., Jupyter Book) that will support the development and publication of executable content. The content will cover a range of activities for working with FAIR chemical data likely to be encountered by researchers, data scientists and many other stakeholders engaged in publishing and re-using chemical data. Best practices for using standards and tools will be emphasized and the resource will include instructions for how to contribute materials.

Project No.:2022-028-1-024
Start Date:1 Nov 2022
End Date:
Content Type OER
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Content Status publish
Number of Comments No Comments
Date Published November 1, 2022
Content Tags Cheminformatics, FAIR Data, IUPAC Project