An Update on the Open Source InChI Project at Google Tech Talks (video)

An Update on the Open Source InChI Project

Stephen Heller and Steve Stein

Abstract: Back in November when Steve Stein & I came to Google to give talk on the Open Source InChI project we found the feedback from the Google people very helpful. We have now developed the hash code string suggested that day and are coming back to talk about the status of the project now that we have a string with Google and other search engines can use (we hope) without problems. Background: The objective of the IUPAC Chemical Identifier Project is to establish a unique label, the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI), which is a non-proprietary identifier for chemical substances that could be used in printed and electronic data sources thus enabling easier linking of diverse data compilations. It was officially released in April 2005 and within a year it has been incorporated into numerous public and private databases. The largest individual database of structures with InChI’s is currently about 40 million

Content Type OER
Author Google Tech Talks
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Content Status publish
Number of Comments No Comments
Date Published October 29, 2007
Content Tags InChI Overview, Video