

Hack-a-Mol is a web app Bob Hanson constructed for  students interested in cheminformatics.  It is an interface that allows you enter names that are searched in PubChem or the NCI Resolver, and then it provides the InChI, InChI Key, SMILES and a connection table of that compound, along with a JSME 2D molecular editor and a JSmol 3D  visualizations. You can then edit the molecule in either the JSME editor or directly in the connection table.


Bob has also created a tutorial on how it works. There is also a tutorial with an exercise on the use of Hack-a-Mol in the 2019 Cheminformatics OLCC section 2.5 Structural  Data Files.

Content Type OER
Download Publication Files https://www.fireanatomy.com/inchi-trust/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/hackamolworkings.pdf
Content Link https://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/jsmol/hackamol.htm
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Content Tags Cheminformatics, Classroom Material, Molecular Editor