News & Articles
The InChi Trust makes available free open-source software to load and write chemical structures. In order to keep users of these tools up to date, the Trust requests that you fill in the information below. We will use the information that you provide on this form solely to notify […]
The InChI Trust added two new part-time positions to help advance the extension of the InChI code as well as its awareness and use across the community. Gerd Blanke ( has started as the Technical Director for the Trust. He will work closely with the working groups to help move the various activities […]
In March 2021, shortly after version 1.06 of the InChI software was released, the InChI Trust and the NIH sponsored a workshop to give users the opportunity to get answers to questions about the new release. The webinar was well attended with 240 people logged into the Zoom workshop, from […]
Status and Future of the IUPAC InChI InChI Symposium held at the San Diego Convention Center, 23-24 August 2019 Introduction Ray Boucher: InChI Trust Report Ian Bruno: Overview of the Meeting Community perspectives Steffen Pauly: Deposit of chemical structure data from publications to public databases Steve Boyer: Patents Lutz Weber: […]
There will be an IUPAC/InChI mini-workshop at the upcoming Boston ACS meeting. It will be held on the Friday Aug 17 and Saturday Aug 18 prior to the ACS meeting in the Westin Waterfront next to the convention center. There are several break-out sessions planned on current topics relevant to […]
Ray Boucher, Stephen Heller, Alan McNaught, Chem. Int., 2017, 29 Read the article
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) held a symposium on Research Data, Big Data, and Chemistry at the 2017 World Chemistry Congress in São Paulo. The Union published a special issue of Chemistry International (CI) to accompany the symposium ( We have been asked to develop a special […]
Stephen R Heller, Igor Pletnev, Stephen Stein and Dmitrii Tchekhovskoi, J. Cheminformatics, 2015, 7:23 Read the article
Warr, W.A., J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 2015, 29: 681.  Read the article
Version 1.00 of the RInChI – InChI for reactions – has been released and is available from the Download area
Register now for our “State and Future of the IUPAC InChI” meeting at the NIH 16-18 August 2017 – more details here
Sunghwan Kim, Paul A. Thiessen, Evan E. Bolton, Jie Chen, Gang Fu, Asta Gindulyte, Lianyi Han, Jane He, Siqian He, Benjamin A. Shoemaker, Jiyao Wang, Bo Yu, Jian Zhang and Stephen H. Bryant. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015 Published online 22 September 2015.
Guenter Grethe, Jonathan M Goodman and Chad HG Allen J. Cheminf. 2013, 5:45, published online on 24 October 2013. Read the article
Our recent set of videos are now available on YouTube (and via the home page) – please use them and let us know what you think! Read the papers from “The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) and its influence on the domain of chemical information“, the special issue of J. […]
An all-day symposium dedicated to the International Chemical Identifier (InChI) will be held at the 243rd ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. In sixteen presentations (including several talks by InChI Trust members and supporters) the current status and future of the InChI will be discussed and the use and […]
Stephen Heller, Alan McNaught, Stephen Stein, Dmitrii Tchekhovskoi and Igor Pletnev J. Cheminf. 2013, 5:7, published online on 24 January 2013 (Open Access).
The InChI Trust and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) are pleased to announce the release of a new version of the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) software. Version 1.04 of the open source software is now available on the InChI Trust Download page. This version now […]
Torsten Thalheim, Armin Vollmer, Ralf-Uwe Ebert, Ralph Kühne and Gerrit Schüürmann J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2010, 50(7), 1223-1232. Read the article here.